We Are Global Irish – Start With Why

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The Irish people and communities can be found all over the globe, from New York to Tokyo, and from Calgary to Cambria. Roughly 70 million people claim roots in Ireland, either through direct descendants or ancestral roots, dating back hundreds of years. The Irish diaspora is both recent immigrants and those who identify with their Irish heritage.

Why we created We Are Global Irish

While there are many resources available to discover more about your irish roots, with roughly 70 million people to support, those resources get stretched thin. We Are Global Irish hopes to help our international community by bridging the gap between current resources and the people and communities who make up the Irish diaspora. Our goal is to help facilitate connection between businesses across the globe, using our shared experience as members of the international Irish community. The Irish government and the ministry for foreign affairs (DFA), has a mandate to help Irish emigrants, through the Emigrant Support programme. However, this service helps organizations through immediate injections of funds. It does not help facilitate connection between organisations. That is left in the hands of Enterprise Ireland, and a number of other private business networks. The unfortunate thing is that there isn’t a lot of coordination between private business networks across the globe. They tend, and rightly so, to be linked to their local communities.

Under it’s Global Ireland 2025 initiative, Enterprise Ireland (EI) is charged with accelerating the diversification of export markets for Ireland. In simpler words, that means increasing the number of markets Ireland’s business export too. And the easiest way to help with that goal, is to connect the Irish communities across the global Irish diaspora. We help connect Irish businesses with international business groups through our shared heritage. Which can be big business. Irish companies, both home and abroad, had an approximate performance of €51.766bn in 2021. That is a 12% growth over 2020. The opportunity for business, both large and small, has never been more robust.

Who are We Are Global Irish

The challenge we have is that the Irish diaspora can feel slightly disconnected from one another. When you compare the Irish diaspora against other cultural diaspora, there is something missing that ties our people together. The messaging is often skewed towards “bring people home” or a gathering of the Irish diaspora on the Island of Ireland. While this is a great initiative, it doesn’t take into account the fact that the Irish diaspora have spread their roots to other countries. We have settled down, had families, and started businesses. The connection with Ireland is real, but often, that connection only goes as far as St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and call in tourism ads to visit the homeland.

We Are Global Irish is the global community of Irish people, and those of Irish heritage, on all the days when we aren’t celebrated. When we put our heads down, and do the work the Irish are known for in our new homes. We are the business leaders in our adopted local communities, growing businesses to help our families and our new homes. The Irish diaspora is a diverse network of businesses, families, and culture. We are an economic powerhouse, and We Are Global Irish wants to boost the connection we all have to better support your local and international goals.

Where can you find We Are Global Irish

Not to sound facetious but the name kind of covers that. We Are Global Irish is an international organization, so we can be found wherever the Irish diaspora can be found. But that is a less helpful answer than you should expect. We started in Ottawa, Canada, founded by Jackie Gilna, President of the Ireland Canada Chamber of Commerce Ottawa, and a founding member of the Irish Canada Business Council. We have offices in Toronto, and a satellite office in Dublin and New York. With the growth of work-from-home remote companies, those locations have changed, even in 2022. The easiest way to connect with We Are Global Irish is to find us online. We are active on all major social media platforms, through our website, and in the community on the We Are Global Irish app.

Our clients serve a range of industries, from entertainment and the arts across the US, to SME and startups in Canada, to multinational companies across the world. Truly, wherever you find a business owner with Irish heritage, you will find us there, helping foster business connections with the Irish diaspora.

We Are Global Irish act as a connector for business owners across the globe, through a shared culture and heritage. Our shared vision is for a more connected diaspora, bringing the benefits of our diverse experiences into one community, powered by economic growth for our local communities.

Interested in learning how you can tap into the Irish diaspora for your business? Reach out to us on social media or contact us at info@weareglobalirish.com.
