Website Use Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the We Are Global Irish  website (the “Website”). This Website is provided solely to facilitate and assist customers  searching for and directly connecting with Irish and Global Irish Diaspora businesses, services, for profit and non for profit including but not limited to  sport, cultural educational and  organisations and for no other purposes.


Visitors: Individuals and entities that connect, access, engage and interact with our website and all its pages including but not limited to the links to our blogs, newsletters  and contact us page and includes those we meet or find  through direct referral, third parties or other sources.

Customers: Individuals and entities who are We Are Global Irish ’s direct customers.

“We”,” Us”. “Our”: refers to “We Are Global Irish  Inc., a Canadian limited liability corporation

This Website is offered to you only upon your unconditioned acceptance without any modification of all the terms, conditions, and notices set forth below (collectively, the “Agreement”). If you do not agree with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement do not use our website or services. To the extent you book any planners, venues and hotels or services via this Website you agree that all terms and conditions of the whole Agreement apply to all such transactions. Please read the Agreement carefully. You should always review the most current version of the Agreement prior to using our services. We reserve the right at any time and at our sole discretion, to change or modify the Agreement without prior notice. Your use of this Website implies your acceptance of the Agreement between (you) the customer and We Are Global Irish .com.

Access and Services 

You may discontinue your account at the end of your annual membership . We reserve the right to modify, suspend or terminate access to the service on our system at any time for any reason without notice or refund, including the right to require you to change your login identification code password. We also reserve the right to delete all program and data files associated with your account and/or other information you have on our system.

Consumer to business visitors to the We Are Global Irish  website pay the listed business  directly for any and all products and or services purchased.  The price for a specific product or service, its quality and suitability is set and or controlled by the business  vendor who is solely responsible for all processing, managing all inquires information and availability and have full control over all updates and promotions. Business  vendors are solely responsible for all orders placed  associated communications, administration, payment processing and execution of the services purchased by the customer.

System Rules 

You agree to be bound by certain rules that are important for the proper use of this service. Your failure to comply with these rules, whether listed below in the contract or in bulletins posted at various points in the system may result in termination of your account and service. First, do not tell others your password or let your account be used by anyone except yourself. Second, do not attempt to log in more than once at the same time on any given account without specific permission of one of our operators or our system administrator. Third, while you should feel free to express yourself, you should respect other users of the system and not do anything to attack or damage the integrity of the software you have contracted to use. Fourth, do not use our system to commit a crime, or to plan a crime, encourage or help others commit a crime, including crimes relating to other computers or jurisdictions’.

Customer (Business & Service Vendors) Pricing and Payment

We Are Global Irish  is an economic development platform with value added software as a solution which provides access to search, select, and connect directly with Irish and Global Irish businesses and services .  We Are Global Irish  fees are quoted in US dollars.  We Are Global Irish does not charge any additional fees other than registration and or the membership fees accepted at the payment portal by the customer.   Fees may be increased from time to time without notice. Consumer to business visitors to the We Are Global Irish  website pay the listed business  directly for any and all products and or services purchased.  The price for a specific product or service, its quality and suitability is set and or controlled by the business  vendor who is solely responsible for all processing, managing all inquires, information and availability and have full control over all updates and promotions. Business  vendors are solely responsible for all orders placed  associated communications, administration, payment processing and execution of the services purchased by the customer.

We Are Global Irish  neither implies nor in any way promises or guarantees any responsibility or liability or the security of the means, or accuracy of the electronic transaction between a visitor to a We Are Global Irish customer website.  None of We Are Global Irish , its owners, shareholders, director’s, employees, their heir’s, successors or assigns accept any responsibility whatsoever for the quality, performance or suitability of any product or service  made available to the public or visitors to the We Are Global Irish  website.

Use of the Website

As a condition of your use of this Website, you warrant that:

  • You are at least 18 years of age,

  • You possess the legal authority to create a binding legal obligation,

  • You will use this Website in accordance with this Agreement in whole

  • You will only use the  We are Global Irish website to make legitimate  searches and inquires to listed businesses on behalf of yourself  or whom you are legally authorized to act,

  • You will inform such other persons about the terms and conditions that apply to the reservations you have made on their behalf, including all rules and restrictions applicable thereto

  • All information supplied by you on this Website is true, accurate, current, and complete,

  • If you have a We Are Global Irish  account, you will protect your account information and be completely responsible for any use of your account by you and anyone other than you. We retain the right at our sole discretion to deny access to anyone to this Website and the services we offer, at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, for violation of this Agreement.

Prohibited Activities

The content and information on this Website including, but not limited to, price and product or service  availability as well as the systems and infrastructure used is proprietary to We Are Global Irish  Inc. or our suppliers and providers. You agree in full not to change, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell or re-sell any information, software, products, or services obtained from or through this Website. Additionally, you agree not to:

  • Use this Website or its contents for any commercial purpose in the broadest sense.

  • Make any false, or fraudulent reservations or any reservation in anticipation of demand.

  • You may not access, monitor, or copy any content or components thereof from this Website at any time using any automated or manual process or robot, spider, scraper or other methods for any purpose without our express written permission.

  • Take any action that imposes, or may impose, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure.

  • Incorporate any part of this Website into any other website without our prior written authorization.

  • Violate the restrictions in any robot exclusion headers on this Website.

  • Avoid or circumvent any other measures used to prevent or limit access to this Website.

  • Deep-link to any portion of this Website for any purpose without our written permission.

  • If you have conducted any fraudulent activity, We Are Global Irish  reserves the right to take any and all necessary legal action including action to recuperate any monetary losses to We Are Global Irish  which includes but is not limited to, costs associated with litigation and related damages.

Supplier Rules and Restrictions

Each business and  services vendor is responsible for publishing their specific Terms and Conditions of use and the visitor or user is responsible for reading and accepting such terms and conditions prior to entering into any agreement for the purchase, lease or use of products  or services including but not limited to: all third party and or other covenants, terms and conditions with regard to product purchases, service purchases, bookings, volume bookings, , refundable or non-refundable deposits, payment, process of payment and all taxes.

Privacy Considerations  

Privacy and personal information are strictly regulated in Canada, the European Union (E.U.) and the United Kingdom. In the U.S. regulation of the personal information by the private sector can be minimal.

We Are Global Irish believes strongly in protecting personal data and understands that doing so is critical to preserving the trust and confidence of our customers. We Are Global Irish ’s approach is evidenced by our broadly applying the Canadian (PIPEDA) and European (GDPR) regulations to personal information We Are Global Irish is required to collect and process in the delivery of our products and services.  We Are Global Irish   respects and guards your privacy. Please review our current privacy policy

Tourism & Hospitability sector Changes or cancellations

Please read and accept individual, venue and hotel service vendors terms and conditions prior to proceeding with bookings.


Payment for our We Are Global Irish  services are made via the secure third parry payment portal upon acceptance of the subscription agreement

Business and  service vendors have their individual specific payment requirements. Please read the options and understand your obligations prior to submitting payment or entering into any payment agreement. You agree to pay any business or  service vendor fees for products, services, bookings, cancellation, return or change fees that you incur. You are advised that some business and or service vendors do not allow returns, changes to or cancellations of services and or reservations after they are made, as specified in the vendors specific  terms, conditions, convents and restrictions and you agree to abide by all such mandatory terms and conditions

Liability Disclaimer & Indemnification. Links to Third Party Websites

This Website may contain hyperlinks to websites operated by parties other than We Are Global Irish . We do not control third party websites and are not responsible for any of their content, practices, or privacy policies and data protection methods. You are advised to be aware of the possible risk of viruses, worms, trojan horses, defects, and other items of a destructive nature. We do not endorse any Hyperlinks or their content and operations.

Account Termination

Accounts will be terminated in accordance with violations and breaches as contained in accordance with the Copyright Modernization Act (CMA)., see and other applicable law. If you believe that an account holder or subscriber is in breach of the CMA please provide substantiated information when filing notice.

Claims of Copyright, Infringement & Counter Notification


If you are aware of an infringement of our brand, please let us know by e-mailing us at We only address messages concerning brand infringement at this email address.

Counter Notification

We Are Global Irish  does not accept or tolerate frivolous or false claims of copyright infringement. If you believe that content that you posted to our site was mistakenly removed, please submit a CMA Counter-Notice. When we receive a correctly completed counter notification, it will be sent to the complaining rights owner.

Software Available on this Site

Your use of mapping available on this Website is governed by the Microsoft Terms of Use and Microsoft Privacy Statement. Microsoft reserves the right to change the Microsoft Terms of Use and Privacy Statements at any time, at their sole discretion. This Website is operated by a Canadian entity and this Agreement is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of this Website. Use of this Website is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of these terms and conditions, including, without limitation, this paragraph.

You agree that no joint venture, partnership, or employment relationship exists between you and  We Are Global Irish  Inc., as a result of this Agreement or use of this Website.

Our performance of this Agreement is subject to existing laws and legal process, and nothing contained in this Agreement limits our right to comply with law enforcement or other governmental or legal requests or requirements relating to your use of this Website or information provided to or gathered by us with respect to such use. To the extent allowed by applicable law, you agree that you will bring any claim or cause of action arising from or relating to your access or use of this Website within one (1) year from the date on which such claim or action arose or accrued or such claim or cause of action will be irrevocably waived.

If any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired.

This Agreement (and any other terms and conditions referenced herein) constitutes the entire agreement between you and We Are Global Irish  with respect to this Website and it supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written, between the customer and We Are Global Irish  with respect to this Website. A printed version of this Agreement and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to this Agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form.

Fictitious names of companies, products, people, characters, and/or data mentioned on this Website are not intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event.

Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

Customer Service

For answers to your questions from Ireland contact us at

For all other locations, contact us at