We Are Global Irish Podcast: Episode 1 – David Gilna
David sat down with David Gilna, Irish playwright, actor, and director for our first episode of the We Are Global Irish Podcast to talk about his experiences travelling and playing in theatres abroad. David discusses his career, his time in London, and working with local Irish American community groups to bring his shows across America.
David Gilna is an award-winning playwright, producer and performer from Swords Co, Dublin.He was awarded for his work as an actor and playwright by The Mayor of Fingal and Chief Executive of Fingal County Council Paul Reid for Creative Conversations in 2019 at The Atrium, County Hall.
David is proud of his roots and upbringing and has moved back to his hometown of Swords, Co Dublin, where you’ll see him writing in local coffee shops and pubs throughout Dublin.
David Gilna: https://www.davidgilna.ie/
David’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/irishplaywright
David’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/irishplaywright
Here is the ticket link for ‘A Bolt From D’Blue from Eventbrite.